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We are living in interesting times. We have the world's largest young population and yet employers are constantly searching for the "right talent". The same is true for all over the world. To add to it, most of the jobs from blue to white collar have undergone drastic transformation and technology infusion leading to bigger gap. HIMAYAT is essentially an 'urdu' word which means "Support", therefore HIMAYAT and its training partners are the bridge between you and the need of the hour. |
Mr. Rajneesh Gupta (JKAS) |
About Himayat
Himayat is a placement linked skill training programme for unemployed youth of Jammu and Kashmir and is being implemented by the Himayat Mission Management Unit, J&K State Rural Livelihoods Mission (JKSRLM), Govt of J&K. The Programme is an outcome of the recommendations of Dr. C. Rangarajan Committee report submitted to the Hon’ble Prime Minister on 24th February, 2011 which suggested a scheme of Skill Development for school/college dropouts.
Himayat – a Skill Development Programme for the youth is under implementation since 2011. The Report suggested increasing employability of youth by improving their skill-sets and providing support for placement and self-employment.
Youth will be provided free skill training for a duration of 3 to 12 months, in a range of skills for which there is good market demand. At the end of the training, the youth are assured of a job and there is one year post-placement tracking to see how they are faring.
Key Features
Himayat shall be implemented in partnership with Project Implementing Agencies (PIAs) empaneled under; and who qualify as per the guidelines of DDU-GKY, MoRD, GoI. |
Himayat programme aims to train 1,49,180 youth with placement assurance (at least 70%) of trained youth. |
The Programme is 100 percent funded by Government of India as a special provision under DDU-GKY programme and no formal cap on budget and the number of youth to be trained/ placed. |
Technical and financial support shall be available for trainees post training/placement as well.
A liberal costing for trainings and post placement allowance (including tracking) has been provided under the programme for the Project Implementation Agencies (PIA). |
The Himayat programme shall cover both urban and rural population irrespective of levels of poverty. |
Trainings shall be both Residential and Non-Residential. |
Initial entry-level training will be provided for at least 3 months and upon completion trainees will be placed in companies. |
The training will include computer-oriented skills, soft skills and English communication skills, as well as the technical skills needed for the particular job. |
There is provision of reservation for skilling 40000 young women. |
1000 youth shall be trained for the placements abroad. |
National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj (NIRD&PR) Hyderabad has been designated as Central Technical Support Agency (CTSA) for appraisal of project proposals of PIAs. |
Initial entry-level training will be provided for at least 3 months and upon completion trainees will be placed in companies. |
Fund Flow Mechanism
As per the Guidelines of DDU-GKY, PIA's are paid in 4 instalments of 25% each of the total cost of the project sanctioned. DDU-GKY has empowered States/UTs who have built their capacities to plan, sanction and implement training projects as Action Plan States. In these states/UTs, the centre transfers the funds in 2 equal instalments of 50% each to the State Rural Livelihoods Mission (SRLM) or State Skill Mission (SSM), who in turn make the payment to the PIAs in the same instalment plan as above. In other States/UTs, where such capacity is still being developed, the National unit of the Ministry directly approves and sanctions projects and makes all payments in the above instalment plan. All processes of investment decisions, programme management and monitoring tasks are completed by Central Technical Support Agencies (CTSAs) on behalf of the Ministry of Rural Development. The CTSAs are independent entities with adequate resources and past experiences of managing large skilling projects in rural India. At present, National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj (NIRD & PR) and NABARD Consultancy (NABCONS) serve as our Central Technical Support Agencies. |
Apex Committee for HIMAYAT
The J&K Government has accorded sanction for constitution of the Apex Committee for Himayat Scheme as per the guidelines of Deen Dayal Updadhya-Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY). The Committee, headed by Financial Commissioner, Health and Medical Education Department, shall evaluate and approve the proposals of Project Implementing Agencies and allot targets, set areas of operation and project framework for implementation of Himayat scheme as per DDU-GKY guidelines. |